The assumption made in two stage compression with inter-cooler is that
The assumption made in two stage compression with inter-cooler is that
The pressure and temperature conditions of air at the suction of compressor are
The pressure and temperature conditions of air at the suction of compressor are
In the axial flow gas turbine, the work ratio is the ratio of
In the axial flow gas turbine, the work ratio is the ratio of
The effective power of gas turbines is increased by adding the following in compressor
The effective power of gas turbines is increased by adding the following in compressor
For an irreversible gas turbine cycle, the efficiency and work ratio both depend on
For an irreversible gas turbine cycle, the efficiency and work ratio both depend on
The area of actual indicator diagram on an air compressor as compared to area of ideal indicator diagram is
The area of actual indicator diagram on an air compressor as compared to area of ideal indicator diagram is
The material commonly used for air craft gas turbine is
The material commonly used for air craft gas turbine is
The stagnation pressure rise in a centrifugal compressor takes place
The stagnation pressure rise in a centrifugal compressor takes place
Which one of the following is the effect of blade shape on performance of a centrifugal compressor?
Which one of the following is the effect of blade shape on performance of a centrifugal compressor?
Gas turbines use following type of air compressor
Gas turbines use following type of air compressor
For minimum work in multistage compression, assuming same index of compression in all stages
For minimum work in multistage compression, assuming same index of compression in all stages
Which of the following statement is correct relating to rocket engines?
Which of the following statement is correct relating to rocket engines?
The following property is most important for material used for gas turbine blade
The following property is most important for material used for gas turbine blade
A simple turbojet engine is basically
A simple turbojet engine is basically
Pick up the wrong statement
Pick up the wrong statement
In a high pressure compressor, the delivery pressure is
In a high pressure compressor, the delivery pressure is
Rotary compressors are used for delivering
Rotary compressors are used for delivering
The efficiency of the vane blower is (where W₁ = Workdone due to compression, and W₂ = Workdone due to back flow)
The efficiency of the vane blower is (where W₁ = Workdone due to compression, and W₂ = Workdone due to back flow)
The temperature of air at the beginning of the compression stroke is ________ the atmospheric temperature.
The temperature of air at the beginning of the compression stroke is ________ the atmospheric temperature.
In which case the air-fuel ratio is likely to be maximum?
In which case the air-fuel ratio is likely to be maximum?
The volumetric efficiency of a compressor falls roughly as follows for every 100 m increase in elevation
The volumetric efficiency of a compressor falls roughly as follows for every 100 m increase in elevation
In jet engines, paraffin is usually used as the fuel because of its
In jet engines, paraffin is usually used as the fuel because of its
The thrust of a jet propulsion power unit can be increased by
The thrust of a jet propulsion power unit can be increased by
The air entry velocity m a rocket as compared to aircraft is
The air entry velocity m a rocket as compared to aircraft is
The efficiency of a jet engine is higher at
The efficiency of a jet engine is higher at
If the clearance ratio for a reciprocating air compressor is 'K', then its volumetric efficiency is given by
If the clearance ratio for a reciprocating air compressor is 'K', then its volumetric efficiency is given by
Intercooling in gas turbines
Intercooling in gas turbines
During peak load periods, the best method of controlling compressors is
During peak load periods, the best method of controlling compressors is
In a jet propulsion unit, the products of combustion after passing through the gas turbine are discharged into
In a jet propulsion unit, the products of combustion after passing through the gas turbine are discharged into
Propulsive efficiency is defined as ratio of
Propulsive efficiency is defined as ratio of
Efficiency of gas turbine is increased by
Efficiency of gas turbine is increased by
The work done per unit mass of air in compression will be least when 'n' is equal to
The work done per unit mass of air in compression will be least when 'n' is equal to
Pick up the false statement
Pick up the false statement
Inter-cooling in multistage compressors is done
Inter-cooling in multistage compressors is done
In a single stage, single acting reciprocating air compressor, without clearance volume, the work-done is minimum during
In a single stage, single acting reciprocating air compressor, without clearance volume, the work-done is minimum during
High air-fuel ratio in gas turbines
High air-fuel ratio in gas turbines
Fighter bombers use following type of engine
Fighter bombers use following type of engine
An ideal air compressor cycle without clearance on P-V diagram can be represented by following processes
An ideal air compressor cycle without clearance on P-V diagram can be represented by following processes
A compressor at high altitudes will require ________ power.
A compressor at high altitudes will require ________ power.
In a single acting reciprocating air compressor, without clearance, the compression of air may be
In a single acting reciprocating air compressor, without clearance, the compression of air may be
A compressor mostly used for supercharging of I.C. engines is
A compressor mostly used for supercharging of I.C. engines is
The process, which causes the air to enter the impeller blades of a centrifugal compressor at ________ velocity (without effecting the mass of air to flow and velocity of flow) is known as prewhirl.
The process, which causes the air to enter the impeller blades of a centrifugal compressor at ________ velocity (without effecting the mass of air to flow and velocity of flow) is known as prewhirl.
The degree of reaction is usually kept ________ for all types of axial flow compressors.
The degree of reaction is usually kept ________ for all types of axial flow compressors.
For slow speed large capacity compressor, following type of valve will be best suited
For slow speed large capacity compressor, following type of valve will be best suited
The capacity of compressor will be highest when its intake temperature is
The capacity of compressor will be highest when its intake temperature is
The most efficient method of compressing air is to compress it
The most efficient method of compressing air is to compress it
The efficiency and work ratio of a gas turbine plant can be increased by
The efficiency and work ratio of a gas turbine plant can be increased by
In jet engines the products of combustion after passing through the gas turbine are discharged into
In jet engines the products of combustion after passing through the gas turbine are discharged into
With the decrease in compression ratio, the volumetric efficiency
With the decrease in compression ratio, the volumetric efficiency
Pick up the wrong statement
Pick up the wrong statement
In a centrifugal compressor, the highest Mach number leading to shock wave in the fluid flow occurs at
In a centrifugal compressor, the highest Mach number leading to shock wave in the fluid flow occurs at
The power available for takeoff and climb in case of turbojet engine as compared to reciprocating engine is
The power available for takeoff and climb in case of turbojet engine as compared to reciprocating engine is
A closed cycle gas turbine consists of a
A closed cycle gas turbine consists of a
The ratio of work-done per cycle to the stroke volume of the compressor is known as
The ratio of work-done per cycle to the stroke volume of the compressor is known as
Inter cooling in compressors
Inter cooling in compressors
The pressure ratio for an open cycle gas turbine compared to closed cycle gas turbine of same h.p. is
The pressure ratio for an open cycle gas turbine compared to closed cycle gas turbine of same h.p. is
Which of the following statement is correct?
Which of the following statement is correct?
The volumetric efficiency of a compressor falls roughly as follows for every 5°C increase in atmospheric temperature
The volumetric efficiency of a compressor falls roughly as follows for every 5°C increase in atmospheric temperature
The propulsive power of the rocket is (where v₁ = Jet velocity, and v₂ = Aircraft velocity)
The propulsive power of the rocket is (where v₁ = Jet velocity, and v₂ = Aircraft velocity)
In air compressors, free air delivery means the
In air compressors, free air delivery means the
The efficiency of roots blower ________ with the increase in pressure ratio.
The efficiency of roots blower ________ with the increase in pressure ratio.
Adiabatic compression is one in which
Adiabatic compression is one in which
Ratio of compression is the ratio of
Ratio of compression is the ratio of
In a single stage, single acting reciprocating air compressor without clearance volume, the work-done is maximum during
In a single stage, single acting reciprocating air compressor without clearance volume, the work-done is maximum during
The compressor capacity is defined as the
The compressor capacity is defined as the
In the cross compounding of the gas turbine plant
In the cross compounding of the gas turbine plant
When the temperature of air leaving the inter-cooler, in a two stage compression with inter-cooler, is ________ the original atmospheric air temperature, then the intercooling is known as perfect or complete intercooling.
When the temperature of air leaving the inter-cooler, in a two stage compression with inter-cooler, is ________ the original atmospheric air temperature, then the intercooling is known as perfect or complete intercooling.
In a centrifugal compressor, the flow of air is ________ to the axis of compressor.
In a centrifugal compressor, the flow of air is ________ to the axis of compressor.
During base load operation, the best method of controlling compressor is
During base load operation, the best method of controlling compressor is
The pressure ratio of an ideal vaned compressor with increase in mass flow rate
The pressure ratio of an ideal vaned compressor with increase in mass flow rate
The performance of air compressor at high altitudes will be ________ as compared to that at sea level.
The performance of air compressor at high altitudes will be ________ as compared to that at sea level.
For maximum work, the reheating should be done to an intermediate pressure of (Where p₁ = Maximum pressure, and p₂ = Minimum pressure)
For maximum work, the reheating should be done to an intermediate pressure of (Where p₁ = Maximum pressure, and p₂ = Minimum pressure)
It is not possible to use closed gas turbine cycle in aeronautical engines because
It is not possible to use closed gas turbine cycle in aeronautical engines because
The ratio of the increase in pressure in rotor blades to total increase in pressure in the stage is called
The ratio of the increase in pressure in rotor blades to total increase in pressure in the stage is called
The compressor efficiency is the
The compressor efficiency is the
Isothermal compression efficiency can be attained by running the compressor
Isothermal compression efficiency can be attained by running the compressor
The specific output per kg mass flow rate of a gas turbine (having fixed efficiencies of compressor and turbine and fixed higher and lower temperature) with increase in pressure ratio will
The specific output per kg mass flow rate of a gas turbine (having fixed efficiencies of compressor and turbine and fixed higher and lower temperature) with increase in pressure ratio will
1 m of air at atmospheric condition weighs approximately
1 m of air at atmospheric condition weighs approximately
The main purpose of reheating in gas turbine is to
The main purpose of reheating in gas turbine is to
In a compressor, free air delivered is the actual volume delivered at the stated pressure reduced to
In a compressor, free air delivered is the actual volume delivered at the stated pressure reduced to
A compressor at high altitude will draw
A compressor at high altitude will draw
In open cycle turbojet engines used in military aircraft, reheating the exhaust gas from the turbine by burning, more fuel is used to increase the
In open cycle turbojet engines used in military aircraft, reheating the exhaust gas from the turbine by burning, more fuel is used to increase the
The thermodynamic efficiency of rotary compressor is based on
The thermodynamic efficiency of rotary compressor is based on
A jet engine works on the principle of conservation of
A jet engine works on the principle of conservation of
Euler's equation can be used for
Euler's equation can be used for
When the outlet angle from the rotor of a centrifugal compressor is more than 90°, then the blades are said to be
When the outlet angle from the rotor of a centrifugal compressor is more than 90°, then the blades are said to be
Air-fuel ratio in a jet engine will be of the order of
Air-fuel ratio in a jet engine will be of the order of
Euler's equation is applicable for
Euler's equation is applicable for
The volumetric efficiency of compressor with increase in compression ratio will
The volumetric efficiency of compressor with increase in compression ratio will
The degree of reaction in an axial flow compressor is defined as the ratio of static enthalpy rise in the
The degree of reaction in an axial flow compressor is defined as the ratio of static enthalpy rise in the
For a two stage compressor, if index of compression for higher stage is greater than index of compression for lower stage, then the optimum pressure as compared to ideal case will
For a two stage compressor, if index of compression for higher stage is greater than index of compression for lower stage, then the optimum pressure as compared to ideal case will
Axial flow compressor has the following advantage over centrifugal compressor
Axial flow compressor has the following advantage over centrifugal compressor
Pick up the wrong statement
Pick up the wrong statement
In a centrifugal compressor, the ratio of the ________ to the blade velocity is called slip factor.
In a centrifugal compressor, the ratio of the ________ to the blade velocity is called slip factor.
The thermal efficiency of a simple gas turbine for a given turbine inlet temperature with increase in pressure ratio
The thermal efficiency of a simple gas turbine for a given turbine inlet temperature with increase in pressure ratio
Which of the following statement is correct?
Which of the following statement is correct?
Maximum work is done in compressing air when the compression is
Maximum work is done in compressing air when the compression is
The advantage of multistage compression over single stage compression is
The advantage of multistage compression over single stage compression is
An ideal air compressor cycle with clearance on P-V diagram can be represented by following processes
An ideal air compressor cycle with clearance on P-V diagram can be represented by following processes
The mass of gas turbine per kW developed is about ________ as that of an I.C. engine.
The mass of gas turbine per kW developed is about ________ as that of an I.C. engine.