In a simple on-off controller with differential gap, the magnitude of differential gap determines
In a simple on-off controller with differential gap, the magnitude of differential gap determines
If any term in the first column of a Routh array becomes zero, then
If any term in the first column of a Routh array becomes zero, then
If poles lie in first quadrant, damping ratio is
If poles lie in first quadrant, damping ratio is
In control systems the output of sensor usually, is
In control systems the output of sensor usually, is
Robotic manipulator arms mostly use
Robotic manipulator arms mostly use
Temperature is analogous to
Temperature is analogous to
The relative stability of a system is given by
The relative stability of a system is given by
Which of the following is correct?
Which of the following is correct?
A system is highly oscillatory if
A system is highly oscillatory if
The distance of poles from origin depends on
The distance of poles from origin depends on
For a stable system having two or more gain crossover frequencies the phase margin is measured at the highest crossover frequency.
For a stable system having two or more gain crossover frequencies the phase margin is measured at the highest crossover frequency.
Lag compensation permits a high gain at low frequencies.
Lag compensation permits a high gain at low frequencies.
The sensor generally used in incremental optical encoder is
The sensor generally used in incremental optical encoder is
DC tachogenerator can be used in
DC tachogenerator can be used in
The effect of adding poles and zeros can be determined quickly by
The effect of adding poles and zeros can be determined quickly by
Which dc servomotor requires strongest permanent magnet?
Which dc servomotor requires strongest permanent magnet?
Which control action can never be used alone?
Which control action can never be used alone?
A lead compensator
A lead compensator
In a two phasor servomotor, the direction of rotation of the rotating field depends on
In a two phasor servomotor, the direction of rotation of the rotating field depends on
Which of the following is open loop system?
Which of the following is open loop system?
Magnetic amplifier is used for
Magnetic amplifier is used for
Transport lag usually exists in
Transport lag usually exists in
Integral control action
Integral control action
For any transfer function, the constant phase angle loci are
For any transfer function, the constant phase angle loci are
In root locus analysis the breakaway and break in points
In root locus analysis the breakaway and break in points
A lag compensator
A lag compensator
Nyquist stability criterion uses open loop frequency response characteristics.
Nyquist stability criterion uses open loop frequency response characteristics.
Gain margin and phase margin can be determined from Bode plots as well as Nyquist plot.
Gain margin and phase margin can be determined from Bode plots as well as Nyquist plot.
For type 1 system the velocity lag error is
For type 1 system the velocity lag error is
A conditionally stable system is stable for the value of gain between two critical values. It is unstable if
A conditionally stable system is stable for the value of gain between two critical values. It is unstable if
If the poles lie in second quadrant, damping ratio is
If the poles lie in second quadrant, damping ratio is
In the field controlled motor the entire damping comes from
In the field controlled motor the entire damping comes from
In force current analogue, mechanical mobility is analogous to
In force current analogue, mechanical mobility is analogous to
Which of the following can be used as a rotating amplifier in a control system?
1. Amplidyne
2. Separately excited dc generator
3. Synchro
4. Self excited dc generator
Which of the following can be used as a rotating amplifier in a control system?
1. Amplidyne
2. Separately excited dc generator
3. Synchro
4. Self excited dc generator
Bandwidth is proportional to speed of response.
Bandwidth is proportional to speed of response.
Which of the following is used to obtain output position in a position control system?
Which of the following is used to obtain output position in a position control system?
The permanent magnet field system of brushless dc servo- motor is generally on
The permanent magnet field system of brushless dc servo- motor is generally on
M circles are symmetrical with respect to
M circles are symmetrical with respect to
Which of the following features is not associated with Nichols chart?
Which of the following features is not associated with Nichols chart?
Nichol’s chart is symmetric about – 180° axis.
Nichol’s chart is symmetric about – 180° axis.
The poles with greater displacement from the real axis correspond to
The poles with greater displacement from the real axis correspond to
In force current analogy, displacement x is analogous to
In force current analogy, displacement x is analogous to
Nichols chart consists of
Nichols chart consists of
The complicated shapes in the polar plots are only due to time constants in the numerator of transfer functions.
The complicated shapes in the polar plots are only due to time constants in the numerator of transfer functions.
In Bode plots the frequency at which two asymptotes meet is called corner frequency.
In Bode plots the frequency at which two asymptotes meet is called corner frequency.
The addition of a pole to the open loop transfer function pulls the root locus
The addition of a pole to the open loop transfer function pulls the root locus